What happened when I was too shy to ask the neighbours to move their car off our shared drive

I decided to drive through a different paddock, got the car completely stuck in mud, wheelspun a lot, got tangled in an electric fence and got electrocuted, all whilst the kids were crying and screaming. I managed to turn the power off the fence, climb under the car (in the cow shit and mud) detangle... Continue Reading →

What would you do if you knew you wouldn’t fail?

If fear wasn’t holding you back? I feel that ‘letting go of fear’ is somewhat essential to the world’s well-being. Fear of failure, fear of what people might think, fear of what might happen if things don’t work out how you wanted etc is holding us all back from being the best we can be.... Continue Reading →

My Child is Talking to me!

I think Mie is doing well. Lately, she’s been teaching all of us about space. She’s been reading a lot about space and wondering about it. ‘Mum, if we wanted to ice skate (on whatever moon it is that’s made of ice), we’d need special shoes so we don’t fly off into space. Maybe we... Continue Reading →

Fractured Skull – Restructured Life

It’s been three months since I fractured my forehead. It’s been an incredible challenge. I’ve really had to slow down and look at this post concussion syndrome as an opportunity, rather than an obstacle Head Injury – Living with Post Concussion Syndrome. I had grand intentions of this being my chance to put into practice... Continue Reading →

I will fight until my last breath

I will fight for my child until my last breath. I will continue to relentlessly explain, to you and anyone involved in my child’s life, how her academic, social and physical learning can be enhanced and extended. I will not give up. Your opinion is valued, but unless you are a professional using evidence based... Continue Reading →

Keep me safe in your pocket

My Daughter (7) doesn’t talk to me. Has she ever? I can’t even remember. I’m so wrapped up in the present drama. I’m crying my eyes out after she's gone to bed. Today, I learnt she hasn’t spoken to her teacher in six weeks, that she’s regressing at school, that her one friendship has fizzled... Continue Reading →

This too shall pass

Another incredibly challenging day, but also so full of beauty. My favourite moments were the kids squealing on the swings and Mie smiling hanging upside down. But nothing compares to the joy of putting my boys to bed, listening to their breaths slow down and watching their bodies relax. It’s a rare moment for me.... Continue Reading →

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