My Child is Talking to me!

I think Mie is doing well. Lately, she’s been teaching all of us about space. She’s been reading a lot about space and wondering about it. ‘Mum, if we wanted to ice skate (on whatever moon it is that’s made of ice), we’d need special shoes so we don’t fly off into space. Maybe we... Continue Reading →


Should it be a word that frightens us? Why has it got some sort of stigma attached to it? Why am I afraid to write about it? Autism doesn’t frighten me. If my child is diagnosed with High Functioning Autism/Aspergers it will open up new doors and hopefully we’ll receive more help and guidance as... Continue Reading →

Keep me safe in your pocket

My Daughter (7) doesn’t talk to me. Has she ever? I can’t even remember. I’m so wrapped up in the present drama. I’m crying my eyes out after she's gone to bed. Today, I learnt she hasn’t spoken to her teacher in six weeks, that she’s regressing at school, that her one friendship has fizzled... Continue Reading →

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